Welcome to Thongdrol
Thongdrol is a Tibetan word that means liberation through seeing. On a basic level, it can be anything that turns the person to look towards the clear path. The Thongdrol.org is dedicated in loving memory of our dear father.

Thongdrol on YouTube
Thongdrol strives to be a bridge connecting interested people to the precious teachings of the Buddha, on training our mind towards the ultimate realisation of the true existence of life. Of the impermanence and empty nature of the things and moments that surround us.
Leaders be more mindful, selfless & ComPassionate
Leaders have a strong impact on people’s lives and on how the world develops. We should remember that we are visitors on this planet. We are here for 90 or 100 years at the most. During this time, we should work to leave the world a better place.
Countering Stress and Depression
Today, there is increasing recognition, as well as a growing body of scientific evidence, that confirms the close connection between our own states of mind and our happiness….
The medicine of Altruism
A mind committed to compassion is like an overflowing reservoir – a constant source of energy, determination and kindness. This is like a seed; when cultivated, gives rise to many other good qualities, such as forgiveness..
Compassion and the Individual
I believe that the purpose of life is to be happy. From the moment of birth, every human being wants happiness and does not want suffering. Therefore, it is important to discover what will bring about the greatest degree of happiness…